Download Automation Anywhere Version 11westernagents

  1. Automation Anywhere 11 Download
  2. Automation Anywhere software, free download

Automation Anywhere Small Business was developed to work on Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 and is compatible with 32-bit systems. AAServer.exe and Automation Anywhere.exe are the most common filenames for this program's installer. The software lies within Business Tools, more precisely General. And install automation Anywhere#download automation anywhere software#dow. Download AutomationAnywhereIQBotVersion from Customer portal into target machine. Unzip AutomationAnywhereIQBotVersion into AutomationAnywhereIQBot11.3.5.x folder. Uninstall your current IQ Bot version. Refer to the note below on how to uninstall IQ Bot. (This does not apply to fresh installs).

You can download bots that are available on the My Downloads page to the My bots page.

Ensure that you have the AAE_Bot Store Consumer role assigned to you. See System created roles.

You must have upload permission to the Bot Store folder available within the My Tasks folder. If the bot or Digital Worker you are downloading contains a MetaBot, you must also have upload permission to the My MetaBots folder.


  1. Navigate to Bot Store > My Downloads.
  2. Search for the bot that you want to download.
    You can search for a bot or Digital Worker based on the TYPE, NAME, OWNER NAME, and PURCHASE TYPE attributes.
  3. Hover your mouse over the ellipsis to display the Download to my bots icon.
    Note: The Download to my bots icon is available only if you have the AAE_Bot Store Consumer role assigned to you.

    This icon is not available for the bots and Digital Workers that are created in the Enterprise client version earlier than the Version 11.3.3.

  4. Click the Download to my bots icon.
  5. Select any of the following options to specify the action to take if the bot package already exists in the Bot Store folder in the Enterprise Control Room:
    • Skip the file (don't download it): Does not download the bots from the Bot Store that are already available in the bot package.
    • Overwrite the file with the downloaded one: Overwrites the bot available in the Enterprise Control Room repository with the bot downloaded from the Bot Store.
    • Cancel the download: Cancels the download of the bot from the Bot Store.

    The following options are available if version control is enabled in the Enterprise Control Room:

    • Create a new version: Creates a new version of the bot that is downloaded from the Bot Store.
    • Skip the file (don't download it): Does not download the bots from the Bot Store that are already available in the bot package and are of the same version.
    • Cancel the download: Cancels the download of the bot from the Bot Store.
    1. Select an option to specify how to handle the production version of the bot if you have selected the Create a new version option:
      • Keep production version as is currently set: Select this option if you do not want to change the current production version of the bot.
      • Set production version to imported version of file: Select this option if you want to change the production version to the version of the downloaded bot.
  6. Click Download to my bots.
    The system downloads the bot package or Digital Worker from the Bot Store, extracts the files from the package, and copies the files into the relevant folders. The system creates a folder with the same name as that of the downloaded bot or Digital Worker within the Bot Store folder. It also creates other relevant folders and copies the dependent bots and other files in those folders.
    Note: If the downloaded bots or Digital Workers contain a MetaBot, that MetaBot is stored in the My MetaBots folder.
    You can view the progress of the bot being downloaded from the In progress activity page. See Monitor in progress activity.

    The system does not display an error message if the download fails. The reason for why the download failed is available on the Audit log page.

    If the bot or Digital Worker you have downloaded from the Bot Store uses any credential variables, these variables are not created in the Credential Vault.

    An unprotected bot downloaded through the Bot Store can have a duplicate GUID. Enterprise Control Room will create a new unique GUID for the downloaded bot to avoid data conflict in the Bot Insight dashboard.

Install and apply the customized configuration required for the Enterprise Control Room cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) after completing initial preparations.

If you have not done so already, complete the initial installation steps in Prepare for installation on Amazon Web Services.
Note: There are many possible system configurations and requirements. These installation steps do not account for all those possibilities so your specific setup and installation steps will vary and Automation Anywhere does not make any warranties that these steps conform with your specific configurations.
To install the Enterprise Control Room

Automation Anywhere 11 Download

Download in a cluster setup, do the following steps:
  1. Login to the first AWS instance as an Administrator.
  2. Download Automation Anywhere_<version>.exe.
  3. Click Next on the Welcome to the Setup Wizard page.
  4. Accept the licensing agreement and click Next.
  5. Select the Custom option and click Next.
    The Destination Folder page appears. By default, the destination folder is C:Program FilesAutomation AnywhereEnterprise.
  6. To make changes to the destination folder, click Change, enter a new destination folder name, and click OK.
    Recommendation:Do not install the application directly in the root directory (C:). You should create a folder, for example, C:Program FilesAutomation AnywhereEnterprise.
  7. Click Next to configure the IP cluster.
  8. Select the Enable Cluster Setup check box.
    The check box is enabled by default if the machine on which the setup is being run has local IP addresses configured.
    To install the Enterprise Control Room on a single node and not a cluster, clear the Enable Cluster Setup check box.
  9. Enter the IP addresses of the nodes in the cluster.
    1. Use a comma (,) to specify more than one IP address. For example, to specify 3 (three) IP addresses in the cluster, enter,,
      Important: The first IP address in the list is used as the master node. Ensure that you enter the IP addresses in the same order on all node configurations in subsequent installations. An incorrect order causes the application to configure the IP addresses as separate clusters, which will result in data loss when the issue is fixed after installation.
      You can install multiple nodes at the same time after the master node is initially installed.
      After installation, you can add a new IP address to the cluster at the end of the list.
    2. After you enter the cluster IP addresses correctly, select a valid address IP at the message prompt to provide network access to the machine.
  10. Click Next to configure the application Transport Layer Security (TLS).
  11. In the TLS Configuration page, configure the following:
    • Generate a Self-Signed Certificate

      Enabling the Self-Signed Certificate option allows the installer to generate a unique private key and a self-signed certificate for the Enterprise Control Room.

    • Import a Certificate

      To import a custom certificate, clear the Self Signed Certificate check box. This setting allows you to import a certificate using the Certificate Path field.

      Note: The certificate file must be a PKCS12 format.
      Provide the following information:
      • Certificate Path: Click the Browse button to import the certificate.
      • Private Key Password: Enter the password for the private key.
        Attention:Password Limitation: Do not use the at sign (@) in passwords. Using the special character @ in the password causes the certificate file import to fail.
      • Webserver Port: Enter the web server port – either HTTP or HTTPS. If the port is already assigned, an error message is displayed.
        Attention: The port validation message is also displayed when you add 8080 for the web server and if that port is already in use for a Enterprise Control Room license service. Use a different unassigned port in the above cases.
      • Enable Force HTTP traffic to HTTPS: This option redirects all HTTP port requests to HTTPS. To access to the Enterprise Control Room through HTTPS using the generated self-signed certificate, ensure the port numbers are different for HTTP and HTTPS.
        To generate a custom certificate for HTTPS, ensure your custom certificate meets the following:
        • Create a .pfx certificate with a pass code from a CA trusted authority.
        • Combined Root, Intermediate, and Machine level certificates into a single certificate.
        • Use the format: [WS Machine Host Name].[DomainName].com for the private key.
        • Include the host name as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the certificate. You provide the host name during Enterprise Control Room installation.
        • In multi-node HA clusters, issue certificates to the load balancer DNS name.
        • Add individual URLs, which require access to all nodes, to the Subject Alternative Name field in the certificate.
  12. Click Next to configure the service credentials.
  13. In the Service Credentials screen, choose from the listed options.
    The Windows Service credentials include a user name and password. The user specified must meet these requirements:
    • A member of the local system administrator group.
    • Have permission to manage services, including Automation Anywhere services.

    These service credentials are used to create database tables and allow the Enterprise Control Room processes to access the database and repository.

    • Local System Account—(default) The logged on user performing the installation.
    • Domain Account—Specify a user that is not the local system account user.
      1. Clear the Local System Account check box.
      2. Enter the user name and password for the domain account.

        Use only supported characters for the user name and password. See Supported special characters.

      Reasons and requirements for using a domain account user include:

      • Do not use the Windows domain credentials

        Enter credentials valid for running Automation Anywhere services. Without the valid credentials, the Enterprise Control Room will fail to launch.

      • PowerShell script restrictions

        Specify a user with permissions to launch PowerShell scripts who is not a Windows domain user. Without the relevant permissions, database table creation can fail.

  14. Add the SQL Server and click Next.
    Select Microsoft SQL Server, type the Name, and click Next.
  15. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish.
    Enable Show installer settings to open the aae-installsummary.html file. By default, this is located at C:Program FilesAutomation AnywhereEnterprise. Use this file to view a summary of the installation.

Automation Anywhere software, free download

The Enterprise Control Room launches in your default browser with the Configure Enterprise Control Room settings page shown. Continue with Configure settings post-installation on Amazon Web Services.