Gottlieb Pinball Machine Troubleshootingeverfoundry

Pinball machine troubleshooting guide

  1. Gottlieb Pinball Machine Manuals
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  4. Pinball Machine Troubleshooting Guide

The best part is, this is the exact same thing i did on my first pinball machine with the exact same symptoms yet i didn't think to check. In all fairness this connector was directly under the third player scoring so it's almost impossible to see with how I have it set up. Find out everything about Playball (Gottlieb, 1971) pinball machine; General game details, ratings and reviews, photos, videos, high scores, places to play and find machines currently for sale on our market place. Leaf Switch Cabinet Flipper Gottlieb Pinball Machine B-16363 NOS ASW-A10-41. Click & Collect. This game was also made as a 4-player EM version Gottlieb's 1978 'Dragon'. We previously showed a production run quantity of 6,550 units. Quantity produced - domestic: 2,553 Quantity produced - export: 3,985 Total quantity produced: 6,538. Photos in: Mike Pacak's Pinball Flyer Reference Book A-F Pinball Machines (Eiden-Lukas), page 142: Owners. Vintage Gottlieb Pinball parts for sale, from coils to playfields, abra ca dabra, black hole,close encounters,count down,kicker,space walk,playmates,jungle queen,plol,orbit,surfer,jungle life,jungle,jungle king,domino,dragon,fashion show,haunted house,jungle princess,king pin,mars god of war,mini cycle,spirit of 76,surf champ,surfer,wild life.

Gottlieb Pinball Machine TroubleshootingeverfoundryPinball machine troubleshooting guide

Gottlieb Pinball Machine Manuals

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Gottlieb Pinball History & Evolution
from 1947 to 1979.


If you have any of these Gottlieb games for sale, please email me will buy just about any Gottlieb (or Williams) pinball(though my favorites are really the 1950s 'woodrail' pinballs).But in particular I am really looking for Cyclone (4/51),Watch My Line (7/51), Skill Pool (8/52), Grand Slam (4/53), Twin Bill (1/55),Harbor Lites (2/56), Roto Pool (7/58).And from the 1970s looking forJoker Poker EM (1978),Space Walk (1979).

Why The Interest in Gottlieb Woodrails?
'Woodrails' are machines generally made before 1961,and have wood siderails that hold the top glass in place.Starting around 1960, all companies converted to usingstainless steel siderails ('metal rails') for pingames.Woodrails are very unique and classic looking. Theyhave a less industrial look, and are just more handsomethan their metal rail counterparts.

    Woodrail Play Appeal.
    The thing that is very unique about most Gottlieb woodrailsis the playing strategy used to score 'Replays' (a Replay iswhen the player wins a free game). On most Gottlieb woodrails,there were multiple strategies to winning replays. That is,you could win a replay (or *multiple* replays) by accomplishingparticular feats (in addition to passing a set score).This is unlike pinball games today,which give replays based just on high score.Yes 1960s 'metal rail' pinballs also usually had some feat that gave a Replay.But this was a single replay and a single feat strategy. Where mostpre-1958 Gottlieb woodrails had multiple strategies or ways to win Replays.Many Gottlieb woodrails had as many as six different strategies (ways)to winning replays (in addition to passing a high score value).This makes Gottlieb woodrail games very unique. Also some pre-1958 Gottlieb single player woodrails allowed the player to win from up to 26 Replays in a single game, or for just accomplishing a single feat!

    Gottlieb Artwork until 1965.
    The sole artist for Gottlieb until 1965 was Roy Parker.There isn't a lot known about Parker, but what is know is this:He worked for an two different art houses that handled all the silkscreeningof the playfields and backglasses for all the pinball companies duringthe 1950s and 1960s. These two companies were Advertising Posters (aka Ad Posters),and Reproduction Graphics. RG burned down *twice* (and after the second time,they did not rebuild), so Roy workedfor Reproduction Graphics when they were open, and Ad Posters when RG closed. Roy did not work for Gottlieb.But David Gottlieb requested all artwork to be done by Roy Parker,so Ad Posters and RG had Roy Parker do all the artwork for Gottlieb,as David Gottlieb requested.

    Roy Parker's artwork is famous because of his attention to smalldetails. Another artist that worked for Ad Posters and RG wasGeorge Molentin. George did the artwork for most Williams, CCM,and Bally games during the 1950s. To me, the difference in thesetwo artists is night and day. Parker's artwork is very detailed.The women's hair, their clothing, the backgrounds, all very detailedand finely draw. Molentin's artwork is much less detailed, almostlike he rushed the work (which he might have, because he workedfor basically all the other game companies).

    Woodrail Evolution.
    In my eye, the most collectible Gottlieb woodrail era is1950 to 1955. (That's why I have the evolution listed below,so changes can be seen.) Many changes where to make the games cheaperto produce. Like the change from wood legs to metal legs in 1956, andthe change from wood top and bottom arches to metal, and the changefrom four color to three color cabinet art in 1957 (though some earliergames did use three colors, it became consistent in 1957). Also after1955, the play changed as less Replays were awarded for acheivinggame goals (some 1959-1960 single players games like Ms.Annabelle only award replays based on score). And the artwork is generally less defined in the later years.

Wedgeheads (1960s/1970s Single Player Gottlieb Pinballs.)
As time progressed and single player woodrails evolved, they turned into'wedgeheads' in 1960. The nickname applies because the backbox cabinetis in the shape of a slight wedge. This cabinet design was kept untilthe last single player EM was made in 1979. These games are amoung the best playingof the Gottlieb single players. Generally the artwork wasn't nearly as goodas the 1950s woodrails, but the evolved game play made up for this. (Though not everywedgehead is a 'great' game, most titles are pretty darn fun to play.) When the 1970scame along with drop targets, 3' flippers, and 'wow' add-a-balls, wedgeheads had reallyprogressed with some great rules and gameplay. (See next section.)

Why Single Player Games?
The reason single player games are more desirable than multi-player games is simple: game play. Single playergames have deeper rulesets, and award more Replays foracheiving game goals. Multi-players games *must* haveless rules because there is no memory in these EM games.That is, the game can't remember how far along in theruleset a player has gotten from ball to ball. Hence multi-player games have a goal that must beachieved in a single ball (the rules are lesssophisticated.) And multi-player games usuallyonly award Replays based on score (not on game goals),so there aren't multiple strategies to winning replays(until the 1970s).Finally multi-player games are bigger,uglier, heavier, and more time consuming and difficult to work on.

Are there any 'good' Multi-player games?
Yes there are, mostly in the 1970s. Starting about 1971, Gottliebmade heavy use of the modern style drop target and 3' flippers on their pinballs. So many of their single and multi-player games during the 1970s have drop targets.This gives the player a lot to shoot for, and makes those gamespretty darn fun. Though I still prefer single player 1970s gottliebpinballs to multi-players, a lot of the multi-player games have great game-play too. The best thing about 1970s Gottlieb multi-player gamesis the 'bang for the buck'. That is, they are inexpensive to buy, yet providea lot of fun to play. The downside is they are bigger and more complicatedto repair than single player wedgeheads, and the rulesets are shallower.

What About 1970s Drop Target, 3' Flipper, Gottlieb Pinballs?
Aww a soft-spot in my heart! The Gottlieb EM pinballs from 1971 to 1979 withdrop targets and 3' flippers are amoung some of their best games (especially the single playerversions). Frankly they didn't make a lot of titles during this era (just 8 years worth),compared to 1947 to 1970 where they made lots of 2' flipper games. With that in mind,70% of all Gottlieb production was of 2' flipper games (compared to the 1971-1979 three inch flipper titles). Luckily production numbers are higher during the 1970s,but the number of titles with drop targets and 3' flippers are limited. And thesegames are quite fun. The 1970s evolved the EM technology to its limit, withadvanced features and ideas.


Gottlieb Pinball Machine Troubleshooting

Parker women versus Molentin women.
The art on the left is typical Roy Parker style artwork. Notice
the detail in the dress and skin of the women, and the surrounding
background detail. The art on the right is Molentin. The women is
far less detailed, and not nearly as sexy as the Parker babe. Also
the background is less detailed. Left art from Gottlieb's 1952 Happy Days.
Right art from William's 1953 Nine Sisters.

Williams Pinball Machine Troubleshooting

What Games are Here?
This list of Gottlieb EM (Electro-Mechanical) pinball games made from 1947 to 1979. Much of this information is based on my experience, and info from other collectors (Richard Lawnhurst). Salesflyers were also used (but sometimes sales flyer info is not accurate). Manypictures taken by Richard Lawnhurst, Russ Jensen and myself. Ifyou have any additions or corrections, please email me.

Looking for information on fixing/restoring a Gottlieb game from thisera? See my web page at for helpwith repair, and forhelp with restoration. As for repair, chances are nearly 100% nobody is going to fix or restore one of these games for you. The time involved is too great, and if you could find someone, for the most part themoney spent would be more than the game is worth. So the only alternative is to fix the game yourself, and the abovedocuments should help with that.

How to find a game easily in this list:
This list is organizedchronologically. So to easily find a particular game, use the CTRL-Ffunction of your browser to find a game.All games with mechanical animation in the backbox have a * next tothe game name.

Start of Flipper Games with 6 reverse flippers, very similar playfield layouts. At least the first three games (and maybe more) in this series were originally sold with 1 1/8' balls (butfor restoration purposes, these games should use 1 1/16' balls). These games use a 'time clock' which looks like a bell mounted under the playfield. But it turns off the game after about 10 minutes from the start of a game.Otherwise there is still power to the flippers/bumpers after playingthe last ball.

  • Humpty Dumpty, 10/47, 6500 produced, 2 kick-out holes, was the first pinball ever made with flippers; this game had six.
  • Lady Robin Hood, 1/48, 6000 produced, 1 kick-out hole.
  • Cinderella, 3/48, 4000 produced, 2 kick-out holes.
  • Jack N Jill, 4/48, 2000 produced, 3 kick-out holes at bottom of playfield.
  • Olde King Cole, 5/48, 1500 produced, 2 kick-out holes.
  • Ali-Baba, 6/48, 1700 produced.
  • Alice in Wonderland, 8/48, 1000 produced, 2 kick-out holes.
  • Miss Cue T, 1948, just a few produced, six flippers.
End of 6 reverse flippers, very similar playfield layouts.

Start of Flipper Games with 4 reverse flippers. These games MAY have comewith 1 1/8' balls (but for restoration purposes, these games should use 1 1/16' balls).

  • Barnacle Bill, 8/48, 2500 produced, 1 kick-out hole and really big lower flipper spacing.
  • Buccaneer, 10/48, N/A produced, nearly same playfield layout as Barnacle Bill,but with 3 kick-out holes and closer lower flipper spacing.
  • Round Up, 11/48, 1500 produced.
  • Harvest Moon, 12/48, 500 produced, A-, 3 kick-out holes.
  • Telecard, 1/49, three kickout holes, 1700 produced,
  • Gin Rummy, 2/49, 500 produced, essentiallythe same game and playfield layout as Telecard (1/49) but with different artwork.
End of 4 reverse flipper games, end of 1 1/8' balls.Time Clocks no longer used, game does not turn itself offafter a set period of time. Game still has power to the flippers/bumpersafter the last ball.Start of Pop Bumpers. Prior to this, Gottlieb gamesonly had 'dead bumpers'. Start of Flipper Games with 2 reverse flippers, 1 1/16' balls,power enabled at all times to flippers/bumpers even after last ball (no Timer Clock or Game Over relay).All of a sudden Gottlieb games were a lot more fun and lively with flippers andpop bumpers!
  • Bowling Champ, 2/49, 2419 produced, 2 reverse flippers, 9 static bumpers and 2 pop bumpers.
  • Buttons and Bows, 3/49, 2200 produced.
  • Sharpshooter, 5/49, 1840 produced, 1 kick-out hole.
  • Double-Shuffle, 6/49, there were 911 Double Shuffle games produced.
  • Three Musketeers, 7/49, 800 produced, 1 kick-out hole.
  • College Daze, 8/49, 2230 produced.
End of Arched Top backbox games and Start of Square Top backbox.
  • Basketball, 10/49, 1200 produced.
  • King Arthur, 10/49, 1220 produced.
  • K.C. Jones, 11/49, 800 produced, A-, light animated train on backglass, 1 kick-out hole.
End of 48 credit light Replay unit. Start of new mechanical 26 credit Replay unit.
  • Old Faithful, 12/49, 810 produced, A-.
End of 2 reverse flipper games.

Start of Turret (center slot kicker) games with 2 normal flippers,'balls played' light, and wide-open playfield design.

  • Just 21, 1/50, N/A produced, turrent game.
  • Bowlette, 3/50, 1000 produced, B-, Gottlieb's only (shuffle) bowling machine, 69' long (17' longer than a pinball of this era), and just 22' wide. The game is incredible small compared to puck bowlers by other manufacturers. Uses two small 2' diameter pucks with the 'Gottlieb' logo in the center. Puck slides under the pins, which turn off as 'hit'. Game also came with a metal 'T' rake in case a puck was throw lightly (and didn't get past the pins). Puck is returned to the player at the front of the cabinet next to the coin door. If game is over, puck is kept inside the game and is not released until a new game is started.
  • Select-A-Card, 4/50, 1500 produced, turret game.
  • Bank-A-Ball, 5/50, 816 produced, turret game, 6 kick-out holes.
  • Buffalo Bill, 5/50, 500 produced, turret game.
End of Turret games.
  • Madison Square Gardens, 6/50, 900 produced, B+,light animation, 2 reverse flippers.
End of five cent ABT push style coin acceptor era.Start of round Heathchute coin acceptor feature.This is actually a big development. Now games must have a coil-controlled reset bankto reset the game features. With the prior ABT push chute, when the player pushedin the chute, this manually reset the reset bank.With the Heathchute, this is all done electrically with coils and relays.
  • Triplets, 7/50, 750 produced, C+, 1 kickout hole,2 reverse flippers,
  • Rockettes, 8/50, 1000 produced, B, 4 non-reverse flippers (two at mid-playfield), 4 kick-out holes.
  • 4 Horsemen, 9/50, 1800 produced, B+, blocking gate (safety gate) between flippers.
  • Spot Bowler, 10/50, 1000 produced, A, mini bowling pins that light up on the playfield.
  • Joker, 11/50, 850 produced, B, reverse flippers.
  • Double-Feature, 12/50, there were 550 Double Feature games produced, B, reverse flippers.

Start of Safety Gate (between normal style flippers) feature.

  • Knock Out*, 12/50, 3000 produced, A+, 2 kick-out holes, mechanical animation on the playfield of two boxers and a referee.
  • Minstrel Man, 2/51, 1800 produced, A+, first Gottlieb with drop targets, 3 single drop targets that fall when a bullseye target in front is hit.
  • Happy Go Lucky, 3/51, 600 produced, A.
  • Cyclone, 4/51, 800 produced, A, NO SAFETY GATE, reverse flippers, two slot kickers along sides of playfield, 5 pop bumpers, 1 kickout hole.
  • Mermaid*, 5/51, 600 produced, A+, backbox animation of fisherman catching a boot(nearly identical type of backbox animation unit as used latter in Flipper Cowboy and Buckaroo).
  • Glamor, 7/51, 300 produced, A, four flippers, safety gate below lower flippers,kickout hole just above 'V' safety gate,uses ABT push coin acceptor (instead of Heathchute coin acceptors, probably because the gamewas designed a year or two before it actually was produced),
  • Watch My Line, 7/51, 600 produced, C+,a bingo flipper-less pinball game.
  • Wild West, 8/51, 800 produced, A,4 kick-out holes, one Indian drop target that falls when a bullseye target in front is hit (same type as used on Minstrel Man, 2/51).
End of Safety Gate feature.
  • Rose-Bowl, 10/51, 1000 produced, B+, flippers at outside edges of playfield.
  • Globe Trotter, 11/51, 910 produced, B+, 1 kick-out hole (between flippers), 2 reverse lower flippers, 2 normal upper flippers.

Start of Trap Holes. Trap holes trap the ball and hold it,not allowing another ball into the same hole for that game.

  • Niagara, 12/51, 1200 produced, B, 4 trap holes.
  • All-Star Basketball, 1/52, 1000 produced, B+, 1 kickout hole, NO TRAP HOLES.
  • Twin Hockey, 2/52, ? produced, B+, arcade game in a pinball cabinet. NO TRAP HOLES.
  • Quartette, 2/52, 1450 produced, C, 4 flippers and 4 ball traps.
  • Hit 'N' Run, 3/52, 1400 produced, B, reverse flippers.
  • Crossroads, 5/52, 1300 produced, B-, 5 trap holes, cross roads.
  • Four Stars, 6/52, 950 produced, B-, 4 trap holes, 4 flippers, very similar to Quartette,
  • Happy Days, 7/52, 1150 produced, B-, 9 trap holes, amazing artwork.
  • Skill-Pool, 8/52, 2100 produced, B+, NO TRAP HOLES, light animated pool balls on the playfield.
  • Chinatown, 10/52, 1500 produced, C-, 9 trap holes.
  • Coronation, 11/52, 1100 produced, C-, 7 trap holes.

Start of Gobble Holes. These holes did not trap the ball but 'gobbled itup' and allowed future balls to have the same fate.

  • Queen of Hearts, 12/52, 2200 produced, B+, 5 gobble holes.
  • Flying High, 2/53, 1400 produced, B, 8 trap holes.
  • Quintette, 3/53, 1200 produced, C, 5 gobble holes.
  • Grand Slam, 4/53, 1800 produced, B+, 3 kickout hole,no gobble holes, no trap holes.
  • Guys Dolls, 5/53, 1500 produced, C-, NO FLIPPERS butsix moving posts (with arrows on them, move back to front) by the lower lanes whichare player controlled with the flipper buttons. These posts can kick the ball, but don't allow much ball control (conpared to flippers).
  • Marble Queen, 6/53, 1000 produced, A, 1 gobble hole, playfield marbles that light up.
  • Poker Face, 8/53, 1700 produced, C, 6 gobble holes, used one slot kicker betweenthe flippers, very simliar to Queen of Hearts (12/52).
  • Shindig, 9/53, 1200 produced, C, 8 trap holes, reverse flippers.
  • Pin Wheel, 10/53, 800 produced, C, 4 flippers at bottom of playfield, 8 trap holes.
End of fitted front door custom painted to thecabinet paint scheme era.

Start of hinged front door with generic paint scheme.

  • Arabian Knights, 11/53, 700 produced, B+,6 gobble holes, has a knob in front toset either 1 gobble hole, 2 gobble holes or 3 gobble holes lit for 1 to 3 specials.
  • Green Pastures, 1/54, 750 produced, A, 2 kick out holes,no gobble holes, no trap holes.
  • Lovely Lucy, 2/54, 850 produced, B-, 6 gobble holes, backglass holdover replay feature.

Start of Double-Award games.(This allowed the player to put in an additional coin at the game startto double the number of any replays won. When one coin is inserted,the 'thimble' light (on the lower ball arch) is lit, telling the playerhe can add another coin for a 'double' game. This light stays on untilthe 10,000 unit is moved, turning off the ability for the player toadd a coin for a 'double' game. If a second coin was added,this will also turn the thimble light out, and the 'double' light on the backglass goes on.Note the credit unit on a double game is slightly different than a conventional1950s Gottlieb woodrail.)Start of game over and 'balls played' lightson the lower ball arch (instead of a ball collect tray), balls now drop into lower ball arch. This now allowed the use of a 'game over' light designation on backglass (thoughfor sometime, the backglass had this designation, but didn't havea light bulb wired to light it!).

  • Mystic Marvel, 3/54, 1050 produced, A, 2 gobble holes, double-award, first game with 'balls played' ball arch lights.
  • Jockey Club, 4/54, 1150 produced, B, 5 gobble holes.
  • Hawaiian Beauty, 5/54, 900 produced, A, 2 gobble holes, double-award, 3 pop bumpers below the flippers at bottom of playfield, balls played lights on lower ball arch.
  • Dragonette, 6/54, 950 produced, B+, 5 trap holes, double-award, BALL COLLECT TRAY, complete side bumpers 1 to 8 in order to light playfield replays, outstanding Roy Parker backglass and playfield art.
  • Daisy May, 7/54, 600 produced, A+, 2 kick out holes, no gobble holes, no trap holes, double-award, 4 flippers at bottom of playfield, BALL COLLECT TRAY.
  • Gold Star, 8/54, 700 produced, C, 7 gobble holes, double-award, balls played lights on lower ball arch.
  • Lady Luck, 9/54, 700 produced, B, 4 gobble holes, 3 kick out holes, double-award, 'balls played' ball arch lights.
  • 4-Belles, 10/54, 400 produced, B+, 5 trap holes, double-award, Four Belles was an exact copy of Dragonette (6/54)except for different artwork. Because of that, this game uses a BALL COLLECT TRAY(and hence no 'balls played' lights) and does not have a game over relay.LAST GAME TO USE TRAP HOLES, complete side bumpers 1 to 8 in order to light playfield replays,outstanding Roy Parker backglass and playfield art.
End of Trap Hole era.
  • Diamond Lill, 12/54, 700 produced, A, 2 kick out holes, no gobble holes, no trap holes, double-award, center horseshoe around a pop bumper, reverse flippers. Has the old style BALL COLLECT TRAY (and hence no 'ballsplayed' lights) and does not have a game over relay (probably because this game was designed earlier and not released).
End of ball collect tray at bottom of playfield era.
End of Double-Award games.

Start of Multi-Player games (note thesegames do not use 'balls played' lights on the lower ball arch).

  • Super Jumbo, 10/54, 500 produced, 4 player, Gottlieb's first4 player woodrail game with score reels. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Stage Coach, 11/54, 650 produced, B, 5 gobble holes, 'balls played' ball arch lights.
  • Twin-Bill, 1/55, 800 produced, A-, one player but has dual scoring (red and green sides) allowing for replays on either or both scoring block, 2 gobble holes, 'balls played' ball arch lights.

Start of Multi-Special Gobble hole games; one gobble hole in center, when lit, givesmultiple specials.

  • Gypsy Queen, 2/55, B, 1400 produced, 2 gobble holes,lots of rollovers, 'balls played' ball arch lights, can win up to 8 credits.
  • Duette, 3/55, 2 player, 326 produced, Gottlieb's first2 player woodrail game, score reels. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Deluxe Duette, 3/55, 2 player, 736 produced. Same as Duette (3/55) but in a larger cabinet.
  • Sluggin' Champ, 4/55, 950 produced, A, no gobble holes, no trap holes, came in a regular single player cabinet or a 'deluxe' cabinet (larger 2 player cabinet, not as desirable), 'balls played' ball arch lights.
  • Jubilee, 5/55, 4 player, 500 produced. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Southern Belle, 6/55, 1000 produced, B-, 2 gobble holes, 'balls played' ball arch lights.
  • Sweet Add-A-Line, 7/55, 800 produced, B+, 2 gobble holes, 'balls played' ball arch lights, lots of rollovers, can win up to 26 credits!
  • Tournament, 8/55, 2 player, 600 produced, 1 gobble hole, reverse flippers,Replays only awarded based on score.BG,PF,Both.
  • Wishing Well, 9/55, 1050 produced, C+, 1 gobble hole, 'balls played' ball arch lights, can win up to 10 credits, only Gottlieb made with a pressboard wood cabinet instead of plywood (yuck!)
  • Marathon, 10/55, 2 player, 750 produced, 2 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Frontiersman, 11/55, 1000 produced, B+, 1 gobble hole, thelast Gottlieb with wooden legs, carry over replay feature, can win up to 10 credits.
End of Wooden Leg game era.

Start of 31' Metal Legs, waffle-pressed metalflipper button guards (single player games only), and chrome cigarette holders.

  • Easy Aces, 12/55, 1100 produced, B, the firstGottlieb 1 player with painted metal legs, waffle-pressed metal flipperbutton guards, and chromed cigarette holders, 1 gobble hole, can win up to 10 credits.
  • Gladiator, 1/56, 2 player, 1200 produced, 2 gobble holes,still used wooden 'picnic table' style, side mounted legs (as used onmulti-player games only) instead of metal legs. Only woodrail multi-player thathas a non-score based replay. Replays only awarded based on score.
Start of Metal Lower Ball Arch, but stillused the red plastic ball shooter gauge. The use of wood diminishesgreatly, as metal parts cost less than wood. This changes the wholelook and feel of the games (though the transition is not completeuntil Derby Day 4/56).
  • Harbor Lites, 2/56, 1500 produced, B+, 1 gobble hole, the first Gottlieb single player to replace the bottom wooden ball arch to a silk screened metal ball arch (but still used the red plastic ball shooter gauge). Alsofirst game to introduce the bullseye ('center score') target. Game also had two slot kickers.Harbor lites has thre discs for special, extra special, and super special which give 1,2,3 replays, and then a double lite disc that doubles all awards (for a possible total of 6 free credits).
  • Score-Board, 3/56, 4 player, 1300 produced, 2 gobble holes, single pop bumper below flippers. Replays only awarded based on score.
Start of Metal Lower Ball Arch with integral ball shoooter gauge.
  • Derby Day, 4/56, 1600 produced, B-, 1 gobble hole, single popbumper below the flippers, the first Gottlieb 1 player with an integral metal lower ball arch and shooter gauge, can win up to 12 credits.
  • Toreador, 6/56, 2 player, 975 produced, 2 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.BG,PF,Both.
  • Classy Bowler, 7/56, 1100 produced, B, 2 gobble holes, can win up to 5 credits.
  • Sea Belles, 8/56, 2 player, 1300 produced, 2 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Auto Race, 9/56, 1500 produced, B, 2 gobble holes.Backglass screened with 'game over' and backbox panel is routed for a 'game over' light bulb, but has no game over relay and no trough switches to sense the gameis over, hence the 'game over' backglass lighted area is not used.
  • Register, 10/56, 900 produced, 4 player, 1 gobble hole, reverse flippers. Replays only awarded based on score.BG,PF.
  • Fair Lady, 11/56, 2 player, 550 produced, 2 gobble holes, lastGottlieb game that used the round Heathchute coin acceptor. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Spot Pool, 1956, Gottlieb Spot-Pool was abumper pool game.
End of Heathchute coin acceptor era.

Start of Coin acceptor above coin door on all games.

  • Rainbow, 12/56, 1250 produced, B, 3 gobble holes.
End of four color cabinet era.

Start of three color cabinet era. To save money,Gottlieb used one less color in the geometric cabinet design. Notesince Roy Parker did not do cabinet art, Gottlieb always usedgeometric designs for the cabinet (unlike Williams, which usedgame themed cabinet artwork).

  • Flag-Ship, 1/57, 2 player, 1250 produced, 3 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Ace High, 2/57, 2100 produced, B, 2 gobble holes. Last single player game to have power to the flippers after the game is finished.
Start of Roto-Target Usage.
Another era change, as the roto-target became a promident featurein many games. Personally I'm not a big fan of roto-targets, asthey consume a huge part of the playfield, making it difficultto shoot the ball to the top playfield lanes.
  • Majestic, 3/57, 4 player, 1350 produced, 2 gobble holes, Gottlieb's firstgame with a Roto-Target. Replays only awarded based on score.

Start of Match feature on single player games, which allows the player to win a free game by matchingthe last digits of their score to a randomly selected number. Also startof a the 'Game Over Relay' on single player games. This relay turns the power off tothe flippers when a game is over.

  • Royal Flush, 5/57, 3400 produced, C+,2 gobble holes, roto-target, Gottlieb's first1 player game with a Match feature. Also came factory equipped withtwo coin chutes, and the first Gottlieb to discount plays atthree plays for 25 cents, one play for 10 cents. The last full production Gottlieb game witha wooden coin door.
  • Continetal Cafe, 7/57, 1350 produced, 2 player, 3 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.

Start of Metal Coin door and back door.

  • World Champ, 8/57, 2300 produced, B+,1 gobble hole, produced with both a wooden or metal coin door, can win up to 10 credits. No roto-target. World Champ has a game-over relay (two ball trough switches sense the fifth ball) and the backglass is screened with a 'game over' graphic, but there is no light bulb wired in the backglass wood insert panel to show the 'game over' backglass icon.World Champ is the last game to features lots of replays (ten for World Champ) via the gooble hole, and is the last of an era of Gottlieb woodrail pinballs.
End of High Replays via Gobble Holes.End of an Era. From this point forward, game play changessignificantly on Gottlieb woodrails. Prior to this point,most of the single player game Gottlieb made was a 'good' game.After this point, things change enough so they are not the same style of game. For example, roto-targets become very prevelant.This large real-estate playfield device makes long shots nearlyimpossible. Also replays are not as liberal. And the use ofmetal over wood is more pronounced.
  • Super Circus, 9/57, 1500 produced, 2 player, 2 gobble holes, roto-target. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Silver, 10/57, 2150 produced, 2 gobble holes, roto-target, hold-over replay feature (spell S-I-L-V-E-R).
  • Falstaff, 11/57, 4 player, 850 produced, 2 gobble holes, roto-target. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Straight Flush, 12/57, 1700 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target.
  • Whirlwind, 1/58, 2 player, 1100 produced, 2 gobble holes, roto-target, uses a single slot kickerbetween the flippers. Last Gottlieb with a wood upper ball arch. Replays only awarded based on score.
End of wood upper ball arch era.

All Gottlieb's now have a metal upper ball arch.

  • Criss Cross, 2/58, 1900 produced, C+, 2 gobble holes, roto-target, crisscross.
  • Brite-Star, 4/58, 800 produced, 2 player, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Rocket Ship, 4/58, 2000 produced, B, 2 gobble holes, roto-target.
  • Picnic, 6/58, 2 player, 850 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target.The only 1950s Gottlieb multi-player to have a replay based on an objective insteadof just a high score.
  • Roto Pool, 7/58, 1800 produced, B+, NO GOBBLE HOLES, lighted pool balls in backbox, roto-target.
  • Gondolier, 8/58, 900 produced, 2 player, 2 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.

Start of rating chart feature on single player games.

  • Sunshine*, 9/58, 1100 produced, C+, 3 gobble holes, the first Gottlieb game with a 'rating chart' (Genius!), 'whirling numbers' rotating wheel animation in the backbox (much like the wheel in Hi-Diver 4/59). Two different paint color schemes used in the backglass.
  • Contest, 10/58, 4 player, 1100 produced, 2 gobble holes, roto-target, 4 flippers. Replays only awarded based on score.BG,PF.
  • Sittin' Pretty, 11/58, 1050 produced, B+, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target, lightbox animation, rating chart.
  • Double Action, 12/58, 2 player, 1000 produced, 1 gobble hole, 4 flippers. Replays only awarded based on score.BG,PF.
  • Straight Shooter, 1/59, 1150 produced, B, NO GOBBLE HOLES, rating chart.
  • Race Time, 3/59, 2 player, 950 produced, 3 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.Flyer,Both,PF.
  • Hi-Diver*, 4/59, 1650 produced, B+, 4 flippers, 3 kick-out holes, NO GOBBLE HOLES, backbox mechanical animation (disc with swimmers that spins), rating chart.
  • Atlas, 5/59, 2 player, 950 produced, 2 gobble holes, roto-target, 4 flippers. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Queen of Diamonds*, 6/59, 1700 produced, B, 3 gobble holes, backbox mechanical animation (roto-target in backbox), last game with a rating chart, nearly identical to World Beauties (2/60).
End of rating chart feature.
  • Around the World, 7/59, 2 player, 800 produced, 4 flippers, NO GOBBLE HOLES. Replays only awarded based on score.

Start of 'score-to-beat' backglass in single player score reel games.Score-to-beat was a pre-set fixed number, that looked like a small score reel (though it reallywasn't). Most of these games do not have playfield specials! (This limits their desirabilty.)

  • Miss Annabelle*, 8/59, 1300 produced, C, 1 gobble hole, 4 flippers, mechanical animation in the backbox (a fan rotates to reveal a girl). The first 1 player Gottlieb with score reels, first game with 'score-to-beat' in backglass. This game has no playfield specials! Can only get a replay by advancing the fan, getting a match, or beating the designated high score.
  • Sweet Sioux, 9/59, 4 player, 1350 produced, 2 gobble holes, roto-target. Replays only awarded based on score.BG,PF.
  • Universe*, 10/59, 1150 produced, B, 1 player with score reels (but NO score-to-beat), 4 flippers, 1 gobble hole, backbox mechanical animation (disc with rockets that spins).
  • Mademoiselle, 11/59, 2 player, 700 produced, 2 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Lightning Ball*, 12/59, 950 produced, B, 1 player with light bulb scoring, 2 gobble holes, backbox mechanical animation (disc that spins).
  • Seven Seas, 1/60, 2 player, 700 produced, 2 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • World Beauties*, 2/60, 900 produced, B-, 1 player with light bulb scoring, backbox mechanical animation (roto-target in backbox), 3 gobble holes, light bulb scoring, nearly identical to Queen of Diamonds (6/59).
  • Lite-A-Card, 3/60, 2 player, 850 produced, C, 3 gobble holes. Replays only awarded based on score (no playfield specials.)
  • Wagon Train, 4/60, 1100 produced, C, 1 player with score reels, roto-target, NO GOBBLE HOLES, score-to-beat.
  • Texan, 5/60, 4 player, 1100 produced, 2 gobble holes, 3 kick-out holes, roto-target. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Dancing Dolls*, 6/60, 1150 produced, C, 1 player with light bulb scoring, was the last Gottlieb game with light bulb scoring, 2 kick-out holes, 1 gobble hole, backbox mechanical/light animation where men dance to beat of the game, no playfield specials.
End of light bulb scoring.

All Games Now have Score Reels.

  • Captain Kidd, 7/60, 2 player, 900 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, 'circle five' pop bumperfeature. Replays only awarded based on score.All.
  • Spot-A-Card, 8/60, 1200 produced, 4 kick-out holes, 1 gobble hole, backboxlight animation, score-to-beat.
  • Melody Lane, 9/60, 2 player, 1000 produced, 1 gobble holes, roto-target. Replays only awarded based on score.
  • Kewpie Doll, 10/60, 950 produced, 2 gobble holes, last full production woodrail game, score-to-beat.
End of woodrails, end of waffle-pressed metal flipper button gards, end of chrome cigarette holders.Start of Metal Rails, Add-a-Ball (AAB) games, and Wedgehead single player cabinets. Start of multiple player cabinetswith huge combination ball shooter/front molding clamp.
  • Flipper, 11/60, 1100 produced, 2 gobble holes, first Add-a-Ball game, some games produced in a woodrail cabinet (made in both woodrail and metalrail format).
  • Merry-Go-Round, 12/60, 2 player, 750 produced, 3 gobble holes with a mechanical rotating discabove them that changes the scoring.
  • Foto Finish, 1/61, 1000 produced, 1 gobble hole, some games produced in a woodrail cabinet(made in both woodrail and metalrail format), score-to-beat.PF,Cab.
  • Oklahoma, 2/61, 4 player, 1710 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, TWO roto-targets,two slot kickers that fire towards each roto-target.
  • Show Boat, 4/61, 1950 produced, 4 flippers at bottom of playfield, score-to-beat.
  • Flipper Parade*, 5/61, 1500 produced, 2 gobble holes, Add-a-Ball, roto-target, mechanical backbox animation (cannon that fires a metal ball).
  • Flying Circus, 6/61, 2 player, 2050 produced, 5 captive balls in the center of the playfield.
  • Big Casino, 7/61, 1600 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, score-to-beat.
  • Lancers, 8/61, 2 player, 1700 produced, 4 kick-out holes.
  • Corral, 9/61, 2000 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target, last game with 'score-to-beat'.
End of 'score-to-beat' backglass era.
  • Flipper Fair*, 10/61, 1150 produced, Add-a-Ball, NO GOBBLE HOLES,same playfield design as the later Crosstown/Subway games (9/66) but withdifferent artwork and different backbox animation.
  • 'Aloha', 11/61, 2 player, 1700 produced, 1 gobble hole, 2 kick-out holes.
  • Egg Head, 12/61, 2100 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, 9 bumpers (5 pop bumpers, 4 static bumpers).
  • Liberty Belle, 1/62, 4 player, 2950 produced, TWO roto-targets, 4 flipppers.
  • Flipper Clown, 3/62, 1550 produced, Add-a-Ball, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target.
  • Tropic-Isle, 4/62, 2700 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, backbox light animation (monkey climbing tree).
  • Fashion Show, 5/62, 2 player, 2675 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, rotating disc on playfield for variable scoring.
  • Cover Girl, 7/62, 2100 produced, 2 gobble holes.
  • Preview, 8/62, 2 player, 1900 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES.
  • Olympics, 9/62, 2200 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES.
  • Flipper Cowboy*, 10/62, 1000 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target, mechanical backbox animation (cowboy shooting a target).
  • Sunset, 11/62, 2 player, 2275 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, 5 captive balls incenter of playfield.
  • Rack-A-Ball*, 12/62, 2700 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, rollover style game, mechanical animated balls in backbox.
  • Gaucho, 1/63, 4 player, 5350 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, roto-target.
End of the small metal nickel plated coin door feature and shallow cabinet.Start of the large chrome coin door and deeper cabinet and'playboard auto-clamp' system (lock playfield in place with a large spring-loaded lever),start of new quick-release lockdown bar (instead of using wingnuts).
  • Slick Chick, 4/63, 4550 produced, 1 gobble hole, 9 bumpers (5 pop bumpers, 4 static bumpers).
  • Square Head, 6/63, 975 produced, Add-a-ball version of Egg Head (12/61), 2 gobble holes, 9 bumpers (5 pop bumpers, 4 static bumpers).
  • Swing Along, 7/63, 2 player, 4710 produced, NO GOBBLE HOLES, 3 spinner targets.
  • Sweet Hearts, 9/63, 4450 produced, 1 gobble hole, last Gottlieb with a gobble hole.
End of Gobble hole era.
  • Flying Chariots, 11/63, 2 player, 3410 produced, 'target alley' feature.
  • Gigi, 12/63, 3575 produced, 14 bumpers (3 pop bumpers, 11 static bumpers).
  • Big Top, 1/64, 2 player, 750 produced, 4 flippers, Add-a-Ball (AAB).
  • Ship-Mates, 2/64, 4 player, 5115 produced, 2 kick-out holes, roto-target,last multi-player Gottlieb with huge ball shooter/front molding clamp.
End of the multi-player cabinet style with huge ball shooter/front molding clamp.

Start of nickel-plated metal 'Jeweled' playfield posts.

  • World Fair, 4/64, 4650 produced, rotating disc on playfield for variable scoring,partial production with metal 'jeweled' posts.
  • Bonanza, 6/64, 2 player, 2640 produced, 'center bank' feature relays ball totop of playfield, does NOT use metal 'jeweled' posts.
  • Bowling Queen*, 7/64, 2650 produced, animated balls in backbox, similar to Rack-A-Ball (12/62).
  • Majorettes, 8/64, 425 produced, Add-a-Ball, 1 kick-out hole between flippers, 10 bumpers (4 pop bumpers, 6 static bumpers), official announcement of 'jeweled' playfieldposts with full production having them.
  • Sea-Shore, 9/64, 2 player, 1760 produced, roto-target,BG,PF.
  • North Star, 10/64, 2525 produced, 2 kick-out holes, rollover game,Gottlieb Northstar.

Start of 'Shoot Again' feature on multi-player games.

  • Happy Clown*, 11/64, 4 player, 3235 produced, animated clown in backbox,2 kick-out holes, roto-target, end of 'beehive' ball shooter, shoot again feature.
End of 'beehive' ball shooter.
  • Sky Line*, 1/65, 2000 produced, Skyline has mechanical animation (elevator in backbox).
  • Thoro Bred, 2/65, 2 player, 1750 produced, first Gottlieb game with'shoot again' feature.
  • Kings & Queens, 3/65, 2875 produced, 4 kick-out holes that pass the ball.
  • 'Hi' Dolly, 4/65, 2 player, 1600 produced, roto-target, Hi Dolly,BG,PF.
  • Buckaroo*, 5/65, 2600 produced, roto-target, mechanical animation in backbox (horse kicking a cowboy).
  • Cowpoke*, 6/65, 1256 produced, Add-a-Ball version of Buckaroo (5/65), roto-target, mechanical animation in backbox (horse kicking a cowboy). Also Gottlieb Rancho made for Italy.
  • Dodge City*, 7/65, 4 player, 3175 produced, 2 kick-out holes, under-the-playfield roto-target ('roto-lights') that shines through playfield inserts, mechanical backbox animation (dancing cowboy).BG animation,PF,cab.
  • Bank-A-Ball*, 9/65, 3400 produced, animated pool balls in backbox,first game with return lanes to the flippers.
  • Flipper Pool*, 10/65, 700 produced, Add-a-Ball version of Bank-A-Ball (9/65), animated pool balls in backbox. Gottlieb Electra Pool made for Italy.

Start of Ed Krynski as the game designer,replacing the management-bound Wayne Neyens (last game for Wayne was Cowpoke,though he did dable in a couple designs after that, like Paul Bunyon, Challenger,and Spirit of 76).Ed Krynski was a great game designer, designing for Keeney in 1960 untilcoming to Gottlieb in 1965. Ed designed for Gottlieb until 1984.

  • Paradise*, 11/65, 2 player, 2100 produced, animated hula girl in backbox, 4 kick-out holes, under-the-playfield roto-target ('roto-lights') that shines through playfield inserts.
  • Ice Revue, 12/65, 2050 produced, 2 kick-out holes, light animation in backbox.
  • Pleasure Isle*, 12/65, 2 player, 235 produced, similar to Paradise (11/65), animated hula girl in backbox, 4 kick-out holes, under-the-playfield roto-target ('roto-lights') that shines through playfield inserts, small roto-target in backbox.
  • Hawaiian Isle*, 1/66, 500 produced, just like Pleasure Isle (12/65)??,animated hula girl in backbox, 4 kick-out holes, under-the-playfield roto-target ('roto-lights') that shines through playfield inserts.
  • Ice Show, 1/66, 2000 produced, Add-a-Ball version of Ice Revue (12/65), 2 kick-out holes, light animatation in backbox.

Start of Art Stenholm for artwork. Roy Parker'scancer has taken him down, and Art Stenholm steps in as the new Gottliebartist.

  • Masquerade*, 1/66, 4 player, 3662 produced, 4 flippers,under-the-playfield roto-target ('roto-lights') that shines through playfield inserts,mechanical backglass animation (fan that opens to reveal a women),First Art Stenholm artwork for Gottlieb.
  • Central Park*, 4/66, 3100 produced, backbox mechanical animation (monkey ringing bell).
  • Hurdy Gurdy*, 5/66, 3186 produced, Add-a-Ball version of Central Park (4/66), backbox mechanical animation (monkey ringing bell).
  • Mayfair, 6/66, 2 player, 2120 produced, swinging target, 2 slot kickersaimed at swinging target (this whole concept was stolen from Williams).
  • Rancho*, 8/66, 1500 produced, Italian version of Gottlieb Cowpoke (6/65),Add-a-Ball version of Gottlieb Buckaroo (5/65) for Italian market, roto-target, mechanical animation in backbox (bull kicking a cowboy).
  • Hyde Park, 8/66, 2 player, 951 produced, Italian version of Gottlieb Mayfair (6/66),swinging target, 2 slot kickers aimed at swinging target (this whole concept was stolen from Williams). Last Gottlieb game with Roy Parker artwork.

End of the Roy Parker artwork era.

  • Cross Town*, 9/66, 2765 produced, mechanical animation (subway doors in backbox),Art Stenholm artwork, same playfield design as Flipper Fair (10/61) but withdifferent artwork and different backbox animation,
  • Subway*, 10/66, 3200 produced, Add-a-ball version of Crosstown (9/66), mechanical animation (subway doors in backbox), Art Stenholm artwork.
End of the manual ball load feature,'rat trap' style score reels, and lockdown bar with cast metal ends(which do not wear well).Start of automatic ball load, the 'Decagon' score reels,all stainless steel lockdown bar (no end caps).
  • Dancing Lady*, 11/66, 4 player, 2675 produced, backbox mechanical animation(ballerina dancing on stage), first game with carousel style roto-target, 2 kick out holes, Decagon score reels, automatic ball lift, illuminated scorecard holder with 'ball in play' lights, and all stainless steel lockdown bar. Art Stenholm artwork.BG,Animation,PF,Game.
  • King of Diamonds*, 1/67, 3200 produced, carousel style roto-target, mechanical animated cards in backbox, Decagon score reels, automatic ball lift, illuminated scorecard holder with 'ball in play' lights, all stainless steel lockdown bar, Art Stenholm artwork.
  • Solitaire*, 2/67, 3100 produced, export version of King of Diamonds (1/67), carousel style roto-target, mechanical animated cards in backbox, Decagon score reels, automatic ball lift, illuminated scorecard holder with 'ball in play' lights, all stainless steel lockdown bar, Art Stenholm artwork.
  • Hit-A-Card*, 3/67, 1600 produced, export version of King of Diamonds (1/67), carousel style roto-target, mechanical animated cards in backbox, Decagon score reels, automatic ball lift, illuminated scorecard holder with 'ball in play' lights, all stainless steel lockdown bar, Art Stenholm artwork.
  • Diamond Jack*, 4/67, 650 produced, Add-a-Ball version of King of Diamonds (1/67), carousel style roto-target, mechanical animated cards in backbox, Decagon score reels, automatic ball lift, illuminated scorecard holder with 'ball in play' lights, all stainless steel lockdown bar, Art Stenholm artwork, plastic playfield posts. Also made for Italy asHit-a-Card and Solitaire.

End of the 'Jeweled' metal post era.

  • Super Score, 4/67, 2 player version of Hi-Score.
  • Hi-Score, 5/67, 4 player player version of Super Score.
  • Super Duo, 7/67, 1200 made, two player, a version of Gottlieb Super Score made for Italy
  • Harmony, 8/67, 2000 made, one player Add-A-Ball of Melody/Sing Along for Italy
  • Sing Along, 9/67, 3300 made, one player, very similar to Kings & Queens.
  • Melody, 10/67, 550 made, one player Add-A-Ball of Sing Along.Also made for Italy as Gottlieb Harmony and Gottlieb Troubadour.
  • Troubadour, 10/67, 2500 made, one player Add-A-Ball for Italy, similar to Harmony
  • Sea Side, 12/67, 900 made, two player Add-A-Ball for Italy and similar to Surf Side

End of star burst bumper caps and start of new larger pop bumper body design.Start of new coin entrance metal. In my opinion, the games from here to mid-1970 arepretty unimaginative (exception being Target Pool/Mini-Pool,Domino,and maybe a few others).

  • Surf Side 12/67, 1750 made, two player
  • Royal Guard, 1/68, 2900 made, one player, 224 7 8.4
  • Elite Guard 2/68, 4000 made, Italain Add-A-Ball one player of Gottlieb Royal Guard
  • Palace Guard, 3/68, 625 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Royal Guard
  • Spin Wheel 3/68, 2850 made, four player
  • Fun Land, 5/68, 3100 made, one player, replay version of Fun Park
  • Fun Fair, 6/68, 2601 made, one player version of Fun Park for Italy
  • Tivoli, 7/68, 2650, one player version of Gottlieb Fun Land made for Italy
  • Fun Park, 8/68, 580 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Fun Land
  • Domino, 9/68, 2650 made, one player replay of Play Mates
  • Paul Bunyan, 9/68, 1900 made, two player
  • Big Jack, 10/68, 1725 made, Add-A-Ball two player of Gottlieb Paul Bunyan for Italy
  • Grande Domino, 11/68, 4000 made, one player made for Italy
  • PlayMates, 12/68, 500 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Domino
  • Four Seasons, 1/69, 1500 made, four player, beaded sides on backbox
  • Spin-A-Card, 1/69, 2650 made, one player replay of Hearts & Spades, beaded sides on backbox
  • Hi-Lo, 2/69, 5000 made, one player made for Italy, beaded sides on backbox

Start of Vari-Target.

  • Airport, 4/69, 1900 made, two player, first game to use a vari-target
  • Hearts and Spades, 4/69, 615 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Spin-a-Card
  • College Queens, 5/69, 1725 made, four player version of Airport
  • Bumper Pool, 6/69, 2150 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Gottlieb Mini-Pool for Italy
  • Target Pool, 6/69, 2425 made, one player replay version of Mini Pool
  • Mini Pool, 8/69, 500 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Target Pool.Also made Gottlieb Bumper Pool for Italy.
  • Wild Wild West, 8/69, 1350 made, two player
  • Lariat, 9/69, 150 made, Add-A-Ball two player of Wild Wild West
  • Mibs, 10/69, 2200 made, one player, backglass animation, basically of copy of Bowling Queen
  • Western, 10/69, Add-A-Ball two player of Gottlieb Wild Wild West for Italy, but never made. This was thelast game designed for export to Italy.

Games designed for export to Italy significantly declines.

  • Skipper, 11/69, 1675 made, four player
  • Auto Race, 12/69, one player version of Gottlieb Road Race for Italy
  • Road Race, 12/69, 1425 made, one player, made for export to Italy. BG, PF, Game.
  • Super Bowl, 12/69, made for export to Italy but never produced.
  • Stock Car, 1/70, 350 made, Add-A-Ball one player of Road Race
  • Mini Cycle, 2/70, 885 made, two player
  • Polo, 2/70, 1140 made, four player of Mini Cycle
  • Flip-A-Card, 3/70, 1800 made, one player
  • Card Trix, 5/70, 1750 made, one player Add-A-Ball of Flip-a-Card
Popular 1970s Gottlieb Games, Chronological, and Milestones.

I consider these to be the 'classic' Gottlieb electro-mechanicalpinballs from the 1970s, and some of the milestones in Gottlieb game changes.Starting at 5/70 with Crescendo, Gottlieb made heavy use of the modern styledrop target. This dramatically changed their games for the better,as the 1967 to 1970 titles before this seemed pretty unimaginative.Games titles listed below in bold use drop targets.

Here's a list of 1970 Gottlieb EM games that made big use of drop targets.For some reason I personally like the games with a big bank of say 10 drop targetscompared to two smaller 5 drop target banks.

  • 20 drops (10*2): 1971 Gtb 2001/Dimension (1p R/A, 2' flippers)
  • 16 drops (4*4): 1973 Gtb High Hand/Capt Card (1p R/A)
  • 16 drops (4*4): 1979 Gtb Space Walk (2p)
  • 15 drops (5*3): 1976 Gtb Volley (1p R)
  • 15 drops (10+5): 1976 Gtb Canada Dry/Target Alpha/Solar City (4/4/2p)
  • 15 drops (10+5): 1975 Gtb Eldorado/Gold Strike (1p R/A)
  • 15 drops (1+2+3+5+4): 1978 Gtb Joker Poker (4p)
  • 14 drops (7*2): 1973 Gtb Hot Shot/Big Shot (4/2p)
  • 14 drops (7*2): 1973 Gtb Pro Pool (1p A)
  • 13 drops (4+5+4): 1972 Gtb Drop-a-Card/Pop-a-Card (1p R/A)
  • 10 drops (10*1): 1971 Gtb Sheriff/Lawman (4/2p)
  • 10 drops (10*1): 1975 Gtb Atlantis (1p R)
  • 10 drops (10*1): 1974 Gtb King Pin/Pin-Up (1p R/A)
  • 10 drops (10*1): 1973 Gtb Jack in the Box/Jumpin Jack (4/2p)
  • 10 drops (5*2): 1977 Gtb Jungle Queen/Jungle Princess (4/2p)
  • 10 drops (5*2): 1975 Gtb Fast Draw/Quick Draw (4/2p)
  • 10 drops (5*2): 1974 Gtb Far Out/Out of Sight (4/2p)
  • 10 drops (5*2): 1975 Gtb Abracadraba/Team One (1p R/A)
  • 10 drops (5*2): 1977 Gtb Big Hit (1p R)
  • 9 drops (9*1): 1976 Gtb Royal Flush/Card Whiz (4/2p)
  • 9 drops (9*1): 1977 Gtb Jacks Open/Lucky Hand (1p R/A)
  • 9 drops (5+4): 1977 Gtb Vulcan/Fire Queen (4/2p)
  • 9 drops (4+1+2+3): 1978 Gtb Sinbad/Eye of Tiger (4/2p)
  • 8 drops (4*2): 1975 Gtb Spirit of 76/Pioneer (4/2p)
  • 8 drops (2+2+2+2): 1978 Gtb Gemini (2p)
  • 8 drops (4*2): 1971 Gtb Now (4p)
  • 7 drops (7*1): 1973 Gtb Sky Jump/Free Fall (1p R/A)
  • 5 drops (5*1): 1974 Gtb Big Indian/Big Brave (4/2p)
  • 5 drops (5*1): 1975 Gtb Surf Champ/Surfer (4/2p)
  • 5 drops (5*1): 1977 Gtb Cleopatra/Pyramid (4/2p)
  • 5 drops (1*5): 1970 Gtb Crescendo/Groovy (4/2p, 2' flippers)
  • 4 drops (4+1): 1977 Gtb Centigrade 37 (1p R)
  • 3 drops (1*3): 1977 Gtb Bronco/Mustang (4/2p)

May 1970: Gottlieb starts using modern-style drop targets.

  • Crescendo, 5/70, 2 player version of Groovy.
  • Groovy, 7/70, 4 player version of Crescendo.
  • Baseball, 6/70, 1 player replay.
  • Batter Up, 8/70, 1 player (add-a-ball version of Baseball).
  • Scuba, 9/70, 2 player, 1450 made.
  • Aquarius, 10/70, 1 player, 2025 made.

Start of games with end-of-ball bonus count down feature.

  • Snow Queen, 11/70, 2 player version of Snow Derby, 1480 made, first Gottlieb with end of ball bonus feature.
  • Snow Derby, 12/70, 4 player, 1050 made.
  • 2001, 2/71, 1 player replay.
  • Dimension, 2/71, 1 player (add-a-ball version of 2001).Also made Gottlieb Galaxie for export to Italy.

Gottlieb starts using 3' flippers ('Playball' first 3' Gottlieb flipper game).

  • Playball, 4/71, 1 player replay, 3' flippers, turret shooter.
  • Extra Inning, 5/71, 1 player (Italian add-a-ball version of Gottlieb Playball), 3' flippers.
  • Home Run, 5/71, 1 player (add-a-ball version of Playball with different scoring), 3' flippers.
  • Challenger, 4/71, head-to-head pinball, 200 made.
  • Now, 4/71, 4 player, 3' flippers.
  • 4 Square, 6/71, 2200 made, 2' flippers, replay version of Astro (10/71).
  • Roller Coaster, 6/71, 2 player, 3' flippers.
  • Sheriff, 10/71, 4 player, 3' flippers.
  • Lawman, 10/71, 2 player version of Sheriff, 3' flippers.
  • Astro, 10/71, add-a-ball of Four Square, 500 made, 2' flippers.Also made as Gottlieb Star Trek for export to Italy.
  • Orbit, 12/71, 4 player, 3200 made.
  • Outer Space, 2/72, 2 player version of Orbit.
  • Drop-a-Card, 1/72, 1 player replay, 2' flippers.
  • Pop-a-Card, 3/72, 1 player (add-a-ball of Drop-a-Card), 2' flippers. Also made as Gottlieb Card King for Italy.
Gottlieb stops using 2' flippers (Pop-a-Card last 2' flipper game).
  • Space Orbit, 4/72, 1 player AAB for Italy, 3' flippers, similar to Mini Cycle.
  • Jack in the Box, 2/73, 4 player.
  • Jumping Jack, 5/73, 2 player version of Jack in the Box.
  • Pro Football, 2/73, 1 player.
  • Flying Carpet, 3/72, 1 player.
  • King Rock, 5/72, 2 player version of King Kool.
  • King Kool, 7/72, 4 player.
  • Grand Slam/World Series, 8/72, 1 player.
  • Jungle King, 5/73, 1 player.
  • High Hand, 7/73, 1 player replay.
  • Capt Card, 5/74, 1 player (Capt. Card is the add-a-ball version of High Hand, and Gottlieb Top Hand is the Italy export AAB).
  • Hot Shot, 9/73, 4 player.
  • Big Shot, 9/73, 2 player version of Hot Shot.
  • Jungle, 11/72, 4 player.
  • Wild Life, 11/72, 2 player.
  • Jungle Life, 1/73, 1 player AAB for Italy of Gottlieb Jungle/Wild Life.
  • Pro Football, 2/73, 1 player, 4500 made, turret shooter.
  • Pro Pool, 12/73, 1 player AAB version of Big Shot/Hot Shot, also made as Gottlieb Play Pool for Italy.
  • Big Indian, 2/74, 4 player.
  • Big Brave, 6/74, 2 player version of Gottlieb Big Indian.
  • Sky Jump, 5/74, 1 player replay.
  • Top Card, 8/74, 1 player replay of Royal Pair.
  • Royal Pair, 8/74, 1 player (Italy add-a-ball version of Gottlieb Top Card).
  • Free Fall, 10/74, 1 player (add-a-ball version of Gottlieb Sky Jump). Gottlieb Sky Dive is the AAB Italy export version.
  • King Pin, 1/74, 1 player replay.
  • Pin-Up, 4/75, 1 player (add-a-ball version of Gottlieb King Pin). Gottlieb Ten-Up is the AAB Italy version.
  • Magnatron, 8/74, 4 player, 6550 made.
  • Duotron, 9/74, 2 player, 2525 made.
  • Far Out, 12/74, 4 player.
  • Out of Sight, 12/74, 2 player version of Gottlieb Far Out.
  • Atlantis, 1/75, 1 player version of Gottlieb Sheriff/Lawman.

Gottlieb start of 'half moon' backbox credit stepper with Super Soccer. Atlantis is the last game with the old style credit stepper unit.

  • Super Soccer*, 1/75, 4 player.
  • Soccer*, 3/75, 2 player version of Super Soccer, last reset bank game.
Gottlieb stops using a reset bank for game-over/tilt relays and replaces them with Ax/Bx latch relays. Also now the Tilt-Hold 'H', Hold 'R', Game-Over 'Q', First-ball 'U' (U and Q on multi-player games only) are continuous duty relays (they are energized all the time in game-over mode). Prior to this, only theHold relay was continuous duty. The change to latch Ax/Bx relays andcontinuous duties relays saved money because the large metal reset bank was eliminated(expensive). But the downside is the Ax/Bx relays must be perfectly adjusted, and the continuous duty relays often burn and fail.
  • Fast Draw, 3/75, 4 player, first game with no reset bank.
  • Quick Draw, 6/75, 2 player version of Fast Draw.
  • 300*, 8/75, 4 player.
  • Top Score*, 10/75, 2 player version of 300.
  • Tiger, 8/75, 1 player Italy add-a-ball of 1972 Gottlieb Outer Space/Orbit.
  • Eldorado, 3/75, 1 player (replay) version of Gottlieb Target Alpha.
  • Spin Out, 7/75, 1 player, 2850 made.
  • Gold Strike, 11/75, 1 player (add-a-ball). Same game as Gottlieb Lucky Strike for Italy.
  • Abra Ca Dabra, 11/75, 1 player.
Start of deeper 'Columbia Pictures' bottom cabinets and larger front coin doorand 27' non-ribbed legs (prior to this, all 1956 to 1975 Gottliebs with metal legs were 31' long).In my opinion, these games look a lot bigger and uglier.
  • Spirit of 76, 12/75, 4 player.
  • Pioneer, 3/76, 2 player version of Spirit of 76.
  • Team One, 3/77, 1 player add-a-ball version of Gottlieb AbraCaDabra. Also made Gottlieb Kicker as an Italy add-a-ball.
  • Sure Shot, 3/76, 1 player (replay).
  • Bank Shot, 3/76, 1 player (add-a-ball). Also made Gottlieb Spot Pool as an Italy AAB.

Gottlieb halts using 'half moon' backbox credit stepper. (Back to theoriginal style stepper unit.)

  • Royal Flush, 4/76, 4 player.
  • Card Whiz, 5/76, 2 player version of Gottlieb Royal Flush.
  • Buccaneer, 6/76, 1 player (replay).
  • Ship Ahoy, 6/76, 1 player (add-a-ball). Also made Gottlieb High Seas as an Italy AAB.
Change of flipper mechs to a linear 3-bearing style (thoughthe 'old style' mechs were still sometimes used for upper flippers). These newflipper mechs have a different play feel to them, more solid and clunkly.There's far less to wear out (no bakelite links), but this sacrificed feelin my opinion.
  • Surf Champ, 8/76, 4 player.
  • Surfer, 10/76, 2 player version of Surf Champ.
  • Volley, 8/76, 1 player, 2900 made.
  • Target Alpha, 11/76, 4 player version of Eldorado.
  • Solar City, 12/76, 2 player version of Target Alpha.
  • Canada Dry, 12/76, 4 player, 2885 made for France, same game as Target Alpha.
  • Big Hit, 3/77, 1 player, 2200 made, turret shooter.
  • Jacks Open, 2/77, 1 player (replay).
  • Lucky Hand, 6/77, 1 player (add-a-ball). Also made as Gottlieb Lucky Card as an Italy AAB.
  • Bronco, 4/77, 4 player.
  • Mustang, 4/77, 2 player version of Bronco.
  • Jungle Queen, 7/77, 4 player.
  • Jungle Princess, 8/77, 2 player version of Jungle Queen.
  • Golden Arrow, 8/77, 1 player.
  • Centigrade 37*, 8/77, 1 player.
  • Golden Arrow, 8/77, 1 player, 1530 made.
  • Jet Spin, 10/77, 4 player.
  • Super Spin, 10/77, 2 player version of Jet Spin.
  • Cleopatra, 11/77, 4 player.
  • Pyramid, 2/78, 2 player version of Cleopatra.
  • Vulcan, 12/77, 4 player.
  • Fire Queen, 12/77, 2 player version of Vulcan.
  • Grid Iron, 12/77, 2 player, 1025 made, two player version of the earlier Pro Football (2/73).
  • Charlie's Angels, 1978, 4 player.
  • Strange World, 2/78, 1 player.
  • Neptune, 4/78, 1 player add-a-ball. Also made as Gottlieb Poseidon as an Italy AAB.
  • Hit the Deck, 8/78, 1 player, replay verison of Neptune.
  • Sinbad, 5/78, 4 player.
  • Eye of the Tiger, 6/78, 2 player of Sinbad.
  • Joker Poker, 8/78, 4 player (made SS and EM).
  • Close Encounters, 10/78, 4 player (made SS and EM).
  • Dragon, 10/78, 4 player (made SS and EM).
  • Gemini, 10/78, 2 player.
  • Blue Note/Rock Star, 2/79, 1 player. Also made as Gottlieb Rock Star for export to Italy.
  • T.K.O., 3/79, 1 player, 125 TKO made plus another 100 made for export. The last Gottlieb EM single player wedgehead.
  • Space Walk, 8/79, 2 player, 215 made, last Gottlieb EM pinball made, EM version of Gottlieb's solidstate Countdown.

    For contrast, check out these popular 1970s Williams & Bally pinballs. Notice thedifference in the artwork between Then. Another interestingtidbit are Sonic and InterFlip pinballs made during the 1970s. These were made in Spainwith Williams parts. The cabinets are poorly made (press-wood), but thegames themselves are very interesting and well designed. They also used acatalized two-part finish on the playfield (much like the 1990s Williams'diamondplate' finish) that wears very well.

    • Williams Beat Time, 9/67, 4 player.
    • Bally Balls a Poppin, 1956, 2 player.
    • Bally Circus, 1957, 2 player.
    • Bally Capersville, 11/66, 4 player.
    • Bally Star-Jet, 12/63, 2 player.
    • Bally Big Valley, 5/70, 4 player.
    • Bally 4 Million BC, 5/71, 4 player.
    • Bally Fireball, 2/72, 4 player.
    • Bally Wizard, 5/75, 4 player.
    • Inter Flip Dragon pinball, 12/77, 4 player.
    • Gottlieb Haunted House pinball, 1982, 4 player.
    • Gottlieb Black Hole pinball, 1981, 4 player.
    • Gottlieb Volcano pinball, 1981, 4 player.
    • Gottlieb Spirit pinball, 1982, 4 player.
Contact the collector

For history of Gottlieb® Pinball see Gottlieb® Pinball.

Here is the breakdown for Gottlieb® Repair Guides. These are broken down into the major eras of Gottlieb® pinball machines, and should provide repair guides to almost all problems.

Gottlieb Websites/Blogs

Pinball Machine Troubleshooting Guide

Websites and blogs containing Gottlieb®-related information and tips

Flip ProjectsDavroux Brothers's site dedicated to projects for Gottlieb System 80. Freeplay, fast boot, 7 digits Black Hole is here
PA PinballTips section of Jim P.'s site with Gottlieb tips
Stork's Nest PinballPeter Hall's site dedicated to Gottlieb System 80 pinball machines
Tuukka's Pinball PagesHistory, tips, tuning, links, and lots of good stuff. Also home to the original Gottlieb System 1 repair guides
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