Download Cccam 2 1 4 Ipk

Download Cccam 2 1 4 enigma ipk files. Our goal is to provide high- quality PDF documents, Mobile apps, video, TV streams, music, software or any other files uploaded on shared hosts for free! If you have any other trouble downloading cccam 2.

Soul calibur 4 best equipment. CCcam version 2.1.1. CCcam version 2.1.2. 4K ASTRA backup blackhole camd CCcam DM520 dm820 DM900 DM920 DM7080 DreamBox dreambox 900 emu enigma 2 enigma2 firmware flash Flashen frequenz GigaBlue HD image Linux Ncam Octagon OpenATV opendroid. 6- Choose Cccam-2.1.4-full-blackholeall, then ok. 7- Wait for the installation. 8- Restart le vu+. How to enable CCcam 2.1.4: With the blue button on the remote control is accessed blue panel that enables the softcams and many other things. Once on the blue panel made has left or right to the place there is marked Common interface. New Release 2.2.1! We are proud to announce the release of version 2.2.1 which now features easy-to-use graphical analysis tools, including Bar Graphs and Pie Charts. The Easy Survey Creator application is a free, quick, and powerful survey presenter.

CCcam 2.1.4 setup with TSPANEL

First plugin TSpanel setup:

1- Unzip thefile on yourcomputerenigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_7.3_mips32el.zipDOWNLOAD HERE

Download Cccam 2 1 4 Ipk

2- OpenDCC andcomplete the fieldsas shown in theimage.

Download Cccam 2 1 4 Ipk

Name: root
Passw: vuplus

3- Click onFTPtab.

4- inthe left windowopen the/tmp directory, then inthe right windowopen thefolder on yourPCwhereyou stored theTSpanelplugin.

5- Withthe green arrowsbetween the two windows, transfer TSpanelpluginto the/tmp directory.

6- On the remotemenumadeofVu +/Addons/IPKmanualinstallation, select theTSpanelplugin,okthenyes.
At the endof the installationpressokand restart

CCcam 2.1.4 Setup

1-Press the greenbutton on your remoteto access theaddonsmenu


2- Choose TSpanel

3- Addons

Download Cccam 2 1 4 Ipk 1

4- TunisiaSat Vuplus Addons

5- Cam-BlackHole

Download cccam 2 1 4 ipk 1

6- Choose Cccam-2.1.4-full-blackhole_04.04.2013_all, then ok

Download Cccam 2 1 4 Ipk

Cccam 2.1.4 Download

Download cccam 2 1 4 ipk

7- Wait forthe installation

8- Restart le vu+

How to enable CCcam 2.1.4 :

Withthe blue buttonon the remote controlis accessedbluepanelthatenablesthesoftcamsand many otherthings.

Once on thebluepanelmadehasleft or right tothe placethereis markedCommoninterfaceCCcam2.1.4,thenok.

HereCCcam2.1.4is activated.


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